Friday, May 4, 2012

Portfolio: February 2012

A few months back, I was lucky enough to have a weekend free. A rare treat, indeed. So my friend Red Agreda (check his site out at invited me over to the house of my other friend, Cris Francia (who, by the way, lives just a few houses from where I live). The reason behind the shoot was that they came across this sale on a light diffuser, purchased it, and was super intent on trying it. So, I came over with my makeup kit and did a little magic on 2 other models (yes, I was a model, too, thankyouverymuch). Dan Ong, another friend of Cris and Red's, came along to shoot with us. Here are some of the photos we came up with that day (click on the photos to make them larger).

Model: Mayen Lozada
Photos: Red Agreda
Makeup: Andie Albino
Clothes: Mayen Lozada

Mayen, Red, Cris, and I know each other from when we were members of the yearbook organization of the Ateneo de Davao University.  I totally love the animal print and the messy hair on her. I did a gold and bronze smokey eye look on her here, and paired it with a brilliant red lipstick. Here are the products I used on Mayen:

  • The Face Shop Face It HD Perfect BB Cream (courtesy of May Torrecampo)
  • LA Colors MyStic Foundation/Concealer Stick in Blushing Beige
  • ELF Contouring Blush and Bronzing Powder (bronzer)
  • Nichido Final Powder in Pink Glow

  • Elf Eyelid Primer
  • Ever Bilena Cream Eyeshadow in Amber (cream base)
  • Gold, Dark Brown, Bronze, and White Highlight Eyeshadows from a Generic 168 Eyeshadow Palette
  • Nichido Extra Waterproof Protective Eye Pencil in Dark Brown (eyebrows and waterline)
  • Fashion 21 Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner in Black
  • Nichido ColorEyes Water Resistant Volume Mascara

  • Ever Bilena Matte Lipstick in Scarlet

Model: May Torrecampo
Photos: Red Agreda
Makeup: Andie Albino
Clothes: May Torrecampo

May is a Cris and Red's classmate and friend from college. Being so, that immediately made her a long-time acquaintance. She was headed for Singapore a few days after we took this shot. She was wearing this goth pink-and-black corset that made me have a droolwishIhadthatbodykindofthingyeahhowIwish moment. I used her corset as an inspiration for her makeup. As you can see on the first photo, I still have a lot to learn when it comes to putting on eye makeup. Anyway, here were the products I used on May.

  • The Face Shop Face It HD Perfect BB Cream (courtesy of May Torrecampo)
  • LA Colors MyStic Foundation/Concealer Stick in Blushing Beige
  • ELF Contouring Blush and Bronzing Powder (bronzer)
  • Nichido Final Powder in Pink Glow

  • ELF Eyelid Primer
  • LA Colors MyStic Foundation/Concealer Stick in Blushing Beige (cream base)
  • Fuchsia, Purple, Light Pink, Black, and White Highlight Eyeshadows from a Generic 168 Eyeshadow Palette
  • Nichido Extra Waterproof Protective Eye Pencil in Dark Brown (eyebrows)
  • Nichido Water Resistant Mineral Kohl Pencil in Onyx (waterline)
  • Fashion 21 Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner in Black
  • Nichido ColorEyes Water Resistant Volume Mascara

  • Ever Bilena Matte Lipstick in Skin

And last but not the least...

Model: Andie Albino
Photos: Red Agreda
Makeup: Andie Albino
Props: Cris Francia

Believe it or not, I just wore my usual jeans and t-shirt for this shoot. My friend Red just got some cheese cloth (katcha) and ornaments from Cris' living room to adorn me. I was so awkward, it's a huge miracle I even have photos like these. It's great having great photographers for friends, isn't it? Here are the products I used on myself:

  • Ever Bilena Pro Flawless Finish Foundation in Oriental
  • LA Colors MyStic Foundation/Concealer Stick in Blushing Beige
  • ELF Contouring Blush and Bronzing Powder (bronzer)
  • Nichido Final Powder in Pink Glow

  • ELF Eyelid Primer
  • LA Colors MyStic Foundation/Concealer Stick in Blushing Beige (cream base)
  • Royal Blue and Black Eyeshadows from a Generic 168 Eyeshadow Palette
  • Nichido Water Resistant Mineral Kohl Pencil in Onyx (waterline)
  • Fashion 21 Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner in Black
  • Nichido ColorEyes Water Resistant Volume Mascara

  • Ever Bilena Matte Lipstick in Skin

This is my first official gig as a makeup artist on a photo shoot. It's not the best, nonetheless, this was the best I could come up with at that time. Regardless of result, I had SO much fun doing this shoot. This was definitely a welcome break from all the studying that I had to go through that month. If I had the chance, I would do this shoot over and over again.

Anyway, I'd like to hear what you think! Did you like these photos? Did you like the looks on the models? Have you ever been to a photo shoot before? If so, tell us of your thoughts and experience in the comment box below.

Please click HERE for my DISCLOSURE POLICY.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What I Have Been Up To These Days

A lot of things have happened since April 13. A few of the things have even been life changing. These past few weeks have been rather bittersweet, but nonetheless, I am grateful for EVERYTHING. So here's a quick rundown of the things I have been through these past 20 days.

April 13-16
I got hired for some home-based content writing job. It's good pay for something that I already love to do, which is write. Some of the things I have to write about are even up my alley, like cats and clinical pathology stuff.

April 17
I went on a photo shoot with my friends Cris Francia and Red Agreda of We had a prenup shoot for this lovely couple named Anne and Ian. I served as the makeup artist, and this was my first paying gig. We spent the entire day at Playa Azalea at Samal Island. The place was beautiful, but Mr. Sun was way too enthusiastic that day. I was itching to dive into the beach, but seeing as we were there on official business, there just wasn't any time to do so. I got a tan from the trip, though. Close enough, right?

April 18-21
My mother, my sister, and I stayed for 4 days and 3 nights at the Monastery of the Transfiguration at Malaybalay, Bukidnon. We got out of the house a few minutes short of 8 in the morning, had some takeout for breakfast, and was officially traveling toward Bukidnon by 8:30 AM. My dad and my brother drove us all the way to Bukidnon, and in 4 hours, we arrived.

The place was WONDERFUL. The amenities were nothing short of amazing. For PhP 800.00 (~USD 20.00) a day, you get board and lodging, full amenities with hot running water and a bidet for every toilet (I am a sucker for bidets, LOL), 3 full and VERY generous meals, and 2 snacks. I was finally able to get some decent rest, in addition to actually getting some peace and quiet. I'm starting a small fund so that I could go back on my next major break using my own money. I'll probably be staying longer next time, too. Say, 7 days?

April 22-23
Finished the articles I didn't get to finish before I left for Bukidnon. And trembling with fear from anticipation. I've just read online (through my class' Facebook group page) that the department heads have already decided who goes on to third year, and who gets left behind or totally sacked. I was so sure that I belonged to either of the latter two.

April 24
While writing some of the articles that have just been given for me to write, I finally got the news. I AM MOVING ON TO THIRD YEAR!!! I passed ALL my subjects, which means that one-half of my medical school life is officially OVER! It was a bittersweet victory, though. Out of the 187 students of my batch, only 124 of us were able to move on. It's a VERY huge loss. Especially when many of the 63 who have been left behind are very good friends. It sucks to know that the system has its glitches, and that although I have been lucky enough to get grades that managed to work themselves around the glitches, many, still, haven't been as lucky as I am.

As for the sweet part of this victory, I went on another haul, which I'm just going to briefly go through.

April 24 Haul
I purchased some office supplies from National Bookstore. I purchased 2 Dong-A Fine Tech pens (as backups for my Pilot G-Tec C4 pens), and a red acid-free lined journal notebook (red, to match my new-colored nameplate. Chances are, though, that this will just be another notebook in my small collection of fancy notebooks that I never really end up using.).

And, of course, some brushes and make-up. I purchased three brushes from Marionnaud (N5 and N34 concealer brushes, and an N37 eyeshadow brush), Ever Bilena Matte Lipsticks in Pink Flame, Siennas, and Mauvey (repurchases, as I'm rebuilding the collection I started some 4 years ago. My older lipsticks will be hitting tube bottom really soon, plus their packaging is starting to look really ugly.), and a Revlon ColorBurst Lipstick in Fuchsia (I have been obsessing over having a loud pink lipstick for AGES).

April 25
I stayed at home and worked on some articles the whole day. It was a good day. My conscience is already clean, as I was assured of another year towards my goal of becoming a doctor and all. Essentially, I call this the BUM day.

April 26
I decided to go and watch The Avengers in 3D. It was WORTH IT! I loved the film, and I loved how they rendered it in 3D. It was just PURE. AWESOME. It was actually my first 3D film (SUE ME! LOL!), so I don't have any other film to compare it with. But I think The Avengers raised the bar of my expectations of 3D films really high.

Since I took it upon myself to get off my lazy butt and go out and have some fun, I rewarded myself with yet another haul. Initially, I was just purchasing myself a pair of contact lenses (-4.00 diopters. Yes, I am blind.) as I didn't want to watch the film with my regular glasses on. But the LA Colors makeup stall at the HB1 of NCCC Mall was calling my name like a Siren. I had no choice but to give in. REALLY.

April 26 Haul
I purchased another LA Colors Mineral Blush (this time, in Autumn. This is my 10th! blush from this line.), LA Colors 4 Color Baked Eyeshadow Quad in Equinox and Neptune, LA Colors Twist Gloss with Lip Pencil Value Kit in Glitz, LA Colors Nail Lacquer in Caribbean Pink, Pink Diamonds, and Blue Treasure, Careline Extra Wear Nail Polish in 55 and 59 (cheapest nail polish EVER at PhP 10.00!!!), and an Ever Bilena Matte Lipstick in Dusk.

April 28
I did makeup on a friend's sister. It was for a wedding, and all I did was a basic smokey eye on her. I was drooling over her mom's Estee Lauder makeup set, though. It will be a while until I can afford one of those, methinks.

April 30
I went to school and got my enrollment forms and other requirements. MAN! Going to medical school is EX. PEN. SIVE! I had been too lazy to get off my butt and go back and finish the enrollment process, but I'll probably finish everything on Friday and/or Saturday. Probably. Don't get me wrong. I am grateful for passing all my second year subjects and all, but honestly, there is no JUSTICE with having just 34 days of summer vacation. No. Justice. At All.

Everything Else in Between
Just staying at home, bumming around, playing with cats and stuff.

And there you have it! My last ~3 weeks in one post. I'm hoping I don't get too lazy with my future posts so that I don't have to make any more of these updates posts. It's exhausting having to remember everything that has been happening to me lately, especially now that the organ you call my brain, but I would much rather call banana, is not really cooperating with me. I guess it just wants to get the best out of the 4 more days (GAAHD!) of summer vacation left.

'Til my next post! Ciao!

Please click HERE for my DISCLOSURE POLICY.

Wishlist: 5 Things I Really Want, But Won't Likely Have Anytime Soon

I am not a girl with a lot of unnecessary wants, and when I do have them, I rarely act on them. I do, however, get easily fixated on things that I REALLY want, and do endless of hours of research before I make up my mind regarding wanting them. Blame it on my obsessive compulsive tendencies, but I just want to make sure that each and every item I am fixating on deserves my attention. At the moment, I have 5 items that I really, REALLY want for myself, but won't likely have anytime soon. This is mostly due to my own financial limitations (seeing that I am still a student, and all), and the fact that the last thing I want to do right now, or ever, is ask money from my parents for these things. The items are listed below, in no particular order.

Photo courtesy of Blackberry Philippines

1. Blackberry Bold 9900

I am so lazy when it comes to phones, that I would much rather call people instead of texting them. When I do text, however, I much prefer using a QWERTY keypad, than the regular T9 ones.

This phone will provide me a huge QWERTY keypad for my lazy fingers. I will also get a good 5MP camera on-board, as well as decent wifi connectivity and other bells and whistles (that I am too lazy to enumerate at the moment). It is interesting to note, however, that I am not one who likes having everything on her mobile phone. The reason why I haven't asked for an iPhone from the 'rents yet, is because I would probably end up using the phone as a camera, music player, portable games console, and means for communication. The phones dies, and so does all of my sources of entertainment. So I usually carry 2 iPods (a Nano and a Touch that I use for games and internet) and a point-and-shoot, in addition to my mobile everyday.

Of all the five things on the list, this is the least likely item I would go for should I ever come across some money for personal shopping.

Photo courtesy of 3M Littmann Stethoscopes

2. Littmann Master Cardiology Stethoscope with Black Tube and Smoke Finish Chestpiece

I already have a Littmann. It's an all-black Classic II SE stethoscope with my name laser-engraved on it. However, during my exposure at the Heart Center of the Southern Philippines Medical Hospital earlier this year, I found it such a pain to try and listen for certain heart murmurs. I ended up pretending to hear some of the less pronounced ones I really couldn't hear, even for the life of me. It sucks, but a Classic II just isn't cut out for hardcore cardio work. It's not like I'm intending to be a Cardio, but I am considering a career in Internal Medicine, and I think having one of these babies will make life easier for me then.

I would also like to get this engraved, but this time, with "MD" after my family name. This one I'll probably ask for as a graduation/board passing gift from my parents. Yes, that means, I still have to wait 2, probably 3 years for this.

Photo courtesy of Amazon

3. Amazon Kindle Touch

I wanted to get the Nook by Barnes and Noble initially because of the expandable memory, better user interface (Kindle, Y U NO have cover view for your library?), and its ability to read EPUB files. Apparently, though, warranty terms with Barnes and Noble are not exactly ideal, especially for purchases outside the US. Besides, all else set aside, this little dude can match the Nook for every punch it throws.

I am planning to get this for my 25th birthday, which is in 3.5 months. But a lot of things could have happened by then. One of those things, I hope, is the announcement of another Kindle E-ink reader with an expandable memory slot and a cover view for the library.

Photo courtesy of MAC Cosmetics

4. Start My Own MAC Lipstick Collection

If only MAC was being sold in the Philippines for as much as they did in the US, then I would have started on my collection AGES ago. But as it is, I have to shell out twice as much, and at the moment, I'd much rather be shelling out money on other things. But when I do get across some money for purchasing personal items, though, purchasing a good "starter set" of MAC lipsticks would probably be first on my list. I already have a few shades in mind, and these are:

  • Russian Red
  • Up the Amp
  • Please Me
  • Ravishing
  • Show Orchid
  • Myth
  • Angel
  • Pink Nouveau
I made this list based on this article I read on Makeup Geek, as well as my own further research. I also made this list based on wanting to start with a collection having a good variety of shades that will satiate my want for MAC lipsticks and enable me to effectively prevent myself from purchasing from MAC at least 6 months after my this purchase. I am a neurotic all-or-nothing girl, and if I don't feel satisfied with a collection, I tend to buy and buy until I'm broke, hence, the well-researched list.

Photo courtesy of Sephora

5. Urban Decay 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Collection

As with MAC Cosmetics, Urban Decay is being MASSIVELY overpriced here in the Philippines. So I don't own an Urban Decay palette for the same reasons I don't own any MAC lipsticks yet. I chose this palette because, as much as I love neutrals, I want my first UD palette to be, well, special. This, in itself, has enough neutral shades I could choose from. Besides, I already have enough neutral eyeshadows to last me a lifetime, so I don't really see why I should go for the Naked palettes first. Lastly, with this palette being limited edition, I think I should purchase this first should I come across any money for personal shopping.

And there you go. My little wish list of things I really want but won't likely have anytime soon. I am calling out to willing sponsors (*wink, wink*) out there, but if there aren't any, I won't really mind. Remember, readers (if there are any besides my puny pair of eyes): It is one thing to want things, but it is another thing to want things AND be desperate enough to try and get them by hook or by crook.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Here's a Quickie

It has been a total of two weeks of absence, and I do feel the slightest pang of remorse for not having made the time to post anything. Anyway, the past two weeks have been FULL of activity, and I should be castrated for having been so neglectful of this blog. At the moment, I am finalizing the design for watermarks and preparing everything for the do-over I just did with this blog.

It's not like this blog has any readers yet, hey? I guess I'm making this post to remind myself that I need to stop procrastinating on my posts, and not have the photos I take pile up in my camera.

'Til my next post!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Haul: LA Colors Haul for April 2012

Happy Friday the 13th! Since today is a lucky day, I decided to get out of the house and give myself a little treat by going on an LA Colors mini-haul. I haven't hauled in a while, so the 9 items that I got today while barely making a dent in my wallet was most certainly a welcome treat for my still-battered-from-stress soul.

I first noticed that a Davao-born mall (NCCC Mall) had an LA Colors section in their department store around December of 2011. The first time I knew that there were actually TWO sections (the other one was located at their pharmacy/health and beauty store, HB1) was 2 months ago. Each and every time I get to visit the mall, I find my trip to be unfulfilling if I never get to make a trip to either of those stalls, regardless of my real purpose in coming to the mall.

The thing that surprised me the most about LA Colors was their dirt-cheap prices. Many of their products actually cost less than those being sold by local brands, such as Ever Bilena and Nichido. Another surprise came as to the quality of these items: for the price, the quality is quite decent. Also, upon further research, I discovered that the Philippine prices of their products were pretty much the same as their prices in the US, which I found to be amazing! The same cannot be said about other foreign brands that sell here in the Philippines, unfortunately. Take a look at ELF, for example. In the US, their Studio products cost about USD 3.00, which should be around PhP 120.00 when converted. Sadly, malls, even Ebay sellers, sell ELF Studio products for twice as much.

For this haul, I purchased a liquid eyeliner, a baked eyeshadow quad, a mineral blush, 2 5-color metallic eyeshadow palettes, and 4 nail colors. All in all, I got to spend PhP 660.00 (~USD 16.00), which I think isn't bad.

Note: For hauls, I will be doing first-look reviews just to let you know what my first impression is on the products I have just purchased. In depth reviews with corresponding scores will be given at least 2 weeks of using the product, although I may choose not to make an in-depth presentation if my lazy bones come and take the best of me, or if I feel like I have nothing to say about the product at all.

LA Colors Liquid Eyeliner in
Navy Blue (704)
The entire tube costs just PhP 60.00 (~USD 1.50). Again, DIRT CHEAP. I am yet to come across a foreign brand that sells liquid eyeliners for this cheap in the Philippines.

This has always been my problem with LA Colors: most of their packaging is designed to target a much younger market. This eyeliner, though, is an exception to that rule, as the product comes in a generic tube that neither looks ugly nor aesthetically commendable. But then again, is there really a way to teen-ify the packaging for tube products without making your line seem like they belong to the toy section of the department store?

The tube says smudge-proof, and I really do believe it. It doesn't smudge, but it does fade and flake off easily when rubbed. It is as water-soluble as water can get. A little teardrop can make you look like a blue panda in seconds. For its price though, I can't really complain. This is actually my first non-black or brown eyeliner, so I'm finding myself liking the color quite well. It dries matte, although it takes quite a while to do so.

The tube contains 0.25 fluid ounce, or 7 mL, which, I think is a good amount for the price.

LA Colors 4 Color Baked Eyeshadow in
Cosmic (CBE423)
At PhP 125.00 (~USD 3.00) per quad, I'd say this is another steal.

This is actually my second baked eyeshadow palette from LA Colors. I didn't like the packaging on my first palette, and nothing has changed my mind ever since.

The reason why I chose to purchase another palette from their baked eyeshadow line despite the awful packaging is the product itself. I love my first quad (in Equinox, CBE 430) so much, that I have decided to give it to my sister just so I have a reason to purchase another one. When I got to the store this morning, however, I decided to purchase this one for the pretty colors it has. Upon dry-swatching, the colors are really light. They could even come across as a bit chalky. But the best thing about baked eyeshadows is that they look much, much better when used wet. I haven't tried that yet as I just ran out of some Eye-Mo. But with my experience with Equinox, I have reason to believe that this quad will turn out just as pretty when used wet.

There's 5.5 grams of product all in all (1.375 grams per color), and I'd have to say that that is a lot for the price.

LA Colors Mineral Blush in
Naturale (CMB854)
This is my 9th (!) mineral blush from LA Colors. I love how this particular line contains pigmented blushes at its price. Every time I pass by their second stall, I just have to purchase at least one blush, hence, the 9 blushes.

Another steal at PhP 125.00 (~USD 3.00) a pop.

I hate how the packaging is so thick, as it accommodates a mirror and brush under the blush. Seeing as I barely have reason to use the mirror, and I never really use the brush (although it is quite soft and can apply the product much better than I though it could), I really think this product would have been much better without them.

There is a reason why I have 9 of these in different colors: the quality. These blushes are pigmented and they do last a long time. I love this shade particularly so, as it is true to its name, Naturale: it looks very natural. It is pinkish-brown with a little shimmer, and it gives me a similar blush that I normally would have if I stayed in the midday sun for 3 minutes.

There's 4.3 grams of product in this pot.

LA Colors 5 Color Metallic Eyeshadow in
Unforgettable (EP24, Top) and
Wildflowers (EP42, Bottom)
These are definitely the cheapest eyeshadow palettes that I own at PhP 65.00 (~USD 1.50) apiece.

My brother told me the palette looked like the cheap watercolor palette he had back in preschool. I couldn't agree more. I think any kid would think the same way, too.

These palettes aren't bad. They're not the most pigmented shadows out there, but they're not the worst, either. The lighter colors could come off as a bit chalky, however, it's nothing a good eyelid primer or cream eyeshadow base can't fix. The colors are really pretty, and it is fairly easy to build these colors up. For the price, I really can't complain.

Theres 7.5 grams all in all (1.5 grams per color). This is even more than the mineral eyeshadow quads, which happen to cost almost twice as much.

From L-R: LA Colors Color Craze Nail Polish in Circuits (NP412),
Voodoo (NP466), and Fuel (NP418), and
LA Colors Nail Lacquer in Berry (NP308)
At the moment, I can't really wear these. My nails are so short from biting (rooted from the excruciating last three weeks of school and the residual stress that still resonates a week and 3 days after the last exam), so I can't really wear these within the next couple of weeks or so. But still, I think the colors are so pretty, I decided to purchase them nonetheless.

These are the cheapest items in my haul today. These cost PhP 55.00 (~USD 1.25) a bottle. There are cheaper nail colors in the Philippines, but seeing quite a few positive reviews of it online, I decided to give it a try.

It looks a bit like more expensive nail colors, such as OPI. Of all the products of LA Colors, I think they have to be commended most with their work on the packaging of this particular line.

I have tried putting the colors on my toenails (seeing as I still have them left as I can't really bite them off), and so far, so good. The colors were easy to apply, were nicely pigmented (except for Fuel, which was a bit sheer in comparison), and they dry pretty fast. Circuits is a basic black color, which I think every girl should have as a staple. Voodoo, which happens to be my favorite, is a jewel-toned green color (but as I have a certain inclination towards bluish-greenish colors, this comes off as a little surprise.). Fuel is a hot pink that looks pigmented in the bottle, but came off slightly less pigmented (in comparison to the other colors that I bought) upon application. Lastly, Berry, a lovely deep red, which I can't wait to wear for when classes start on the 7th of May.

Each bottle contains 15 mL of product.

Have you purchased any of the items mentioned in this entry? If so, did you like it? If not, why? Are there other particular products from LA Colors that you think are worth buying as well? I look forward to reading your thoughts and comments below! :)

Please click HERE for my DISCLOSURE POLICY.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Product Review: Maybelline Eyestudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner

Maybelline Eyestudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner
I was supposed to make this post last night, but seeing as I was writhing in pain the entire night as my body was trying to make me pay for that extra slice of pizza and glass of soda that I had for our late dinner, it was all I could do to keep myself sane while waiting for the crisis to pass. Anyway, this is my first product review, and I will be reviewing Maybelline's Eyestudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner in Black and Brown. Swatches are also posted after the QUALITY portion of the review. Please know that I did make a look using these eyeliners, but my camera just wasn't agreeing with me when I was taking these photos.

01 Black and 02 Brown
As taken from the page for Maybelline Eyestudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner:



Now gel reinvents liner:
• Oil-free formula holds highly concentrated pigments in a clear gel base
• Smudge-proof and waterproof for 24 hours
• Most intense line for lasting drama
• Safe for sensitive eyes and ophthalmologist-tested
• Contact lens safe


Define – In small strokes, glide liner across lash line from inner to outer corner.

Define - In small strokes, glide liner across lash line from inner to outer corner.
Enhance – Extend and thicken line from outer corner up towards brow; wing out for extra drama.

Removes easily with Expert Eyes® Moisturizing Eye Makeup Remover.

It comes with its own brush!
As listed on Maybelline's site, this particular line comes in four colors: Blackest Black (950), Brown (952), Charcoal (954), and Eggplant (956). In the Philippines, however, I have only seen two colors - 01 Black and 02 Brown - both of which I have. I have no idea why this discrepancy in product/product information exists, and I'm not certain how different the Philippines' version is from that being described by their site, but I have this inkling that the difference in quality is but minute.

I have had the Brown one for a little over a month, but I just got the Black four days ago. I decided to get the Brown one first, as I already have a black gel eyeliner in pencil form from IN2IT. With the great experience I have had with the Brown pot, I just had to get the Black pot to FINALLY stop myself from obsessing (more like stalking a nonliving and essentially immobile object) over the pot that didn't get bought each and every time I get to a place that had a Maybelline stall in it.

And now (drumroll please)... on to the review proper!

The pots with a ripped box
PRICE: 7/10
The pots cost PhP 449.00 a pop (~USD 11.00), which, I think, is a pretty good price for a pretty good product. Seeing as I am still a student with only my allowance and occasional writing jobs to rely on for cash, the price is a little off-putting. But for makeup junkies with stable jobs and their monthly budget for makeup, this would be, basically, a steal.

The gel eyeliner comes in a thick glass pot that is designed to ensure that the gel eyeliner doesn't dry out. The cover on this thing screws on pretty tightly as well. Honestly, though, I really dislike the pyramidal box this pot came in with, but as I am not one to keep useless boxes as a souvenir or whatever, I never really gave it much thought after my initial decision to immediately dislike it (hence, the score). The product also comes with a nifty brush, which I use on occasion. The brush can apply the gel really well, and what I like most about it is that it comes with this cover that keeps it relatively clean.

QUALITY: 10/10
Seeing as I have only one other gel eyeliner to compare this product to, I have to say that this has raised the bar pretty high for expectations on future gel eyeliner purchases. The box this product came in with describes it as "quick dry, intense color, lasts all day, smudge proof, and water proof." That's true, true, semi-true, semi-true, and semi-true. It dries really quickly, so if you're looking to have that smokey-smudgey look for the day, you have to work fast. The colors ARE intense. The black is a beautiful rich black that could easily make your look more dramatic, or more professional (if that's what you are looking for). The brown, although not as vivid as the black, is still a rich color with a few glitters that can only be seen up close (see swatches). As for smudging, it takes a particular amount of rubbing before this liner even begins to give way, and even so, it simply flakes off without smudging. Smudging, however, is particularly a problem for people with oily lids: rubbing will definitely lead to some awful panda eyes. But this is one problem no good eyelid primer couldn't fix. Lastly, this item is more like highly water resistant instead of waterproof. It does stay on with just a few drops of water and a little rubbing, but it starts flaking off under running water after a couple of minutes.

Swatches without flash and a fair amount of blurring.
I told you my camera wasn't agreeing with me.
Swatches with flash. If you look closely enough,
you can see the glitters on the brown eyeliner.
Each pot contains 2.8 grams of product, and although I have nothing else to compare that amount to, having used the brown eyeliner almost everyday for the past month with barely even making a dent at the top of the thing, I think 2.8 grams can last a really long time. I would like to give an estimate of at least a year, although that assumption is done under the hopes that this wouldn't dry out on me first.

Although most of the ingredients are foreign to me, and are hugely a mouthful to say, I can see that some items are silicone-based. Silicone allows for the wax in these gel eyeliners to retain the moisture that gives them the smoothness necessary for flawless application. This will be a problem for people with allergies to silicone-based products, but I guess most gel eyeliners will be a problem for them. But for the majority of us with less-sensitive skin, using this gel eyeliner shouldn't cause any hypersensitivity reactions.

This product, although not particularly the cheapest out there (I know that the one from Etude House is only ~PhP 300.00 a pot), it is, by far, proving itself worth every penny. It comes in a good container that ensures longer service life. It does what a gel eyeliner is supposed to do: it dries fast, and is relatively resistant to smudging, rubbing, and water. And lastly, the amount a pot has is certain to last a really long time, if ample care is given not to dry the entire pot first.

Do you have a pot of this particular brand of eyeliner? If so, did you like it? If not, why? Are there other particular gel eyeliners of about the same price range that you think are worth buying as well? I look forward to reading your thoughts and comments below! :)

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

And We Wait.

It is that time of year once again when I have to wait out those gruesome, insufferable days just to know whether or not my efforts (or lack of them) for the past 10-turning-11 months will be enough (or overseen) to get me through to the next round of medical school. And getting through to the next round means that my first two years (first half, really) in medical school are TRULY over, and that I now have the right to wear a new-colored nameplate: one in red. Red for blood, perhaps? Will my third year in medical school be bloodier than my second? Will my lack of preparation prior to medical school finally catch up to me during my third year, if not now? I guess the real question is "Would I ever get the chance to ask these questions while in the safety of my new-colored nameplate and the thought that, with having survived half the suffering, medical school will be less toxic to bear?" Hopefully, results are in by Friday. Without my parents, and being the designated "responsible adult" of my household until Saturday night, I am certain the many responsibilities I will be having will be more than enough to keep me preoccupied with thoughts other than my academic demise.

In anticipation of the dark days ahead, I have, somehow found a silver lining that alludes not to the academic in me, but of the aesthetician. On the 17th of April, one of my friends from college is taking me with him to a prenup photo shoot, where I am to serve as a MUA (Makeup Artist). So far, I have had 2 photo shoots (4 models all in all) that credit me as the MUA, but this gig on the 17th might actually be my first paid gig yet. I don't count on it, as I am currently focused on building a portfolio instead of getting paid. Besides, it's fun! Makeup artistry is a great way to de-stress from all that medical school, well, STRESS. I don't think I will ever be amenable to having makeup artistry as a way to fill my future financial and self-fulfillment needs, but I honestly believe it can keep me sane on my way to fulfilling said needs.

It is HOURS after I have started making this entry. I guess one of the things I should be intent on fixing over the next few weeks (before classes start) should be my ever-dwindling attention span. Anyway, as it is already bedtime, and tomorrow is that start of my weeklong "responsible adult" duties, it is, with a heavy heart (how dramatic), that I bid you, Adieu.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Starting the Year with a BANG!

I know it's more than halfway into the first month of the year, but I'd like to reiterate that I'm starting this year with a BANG! I know, I know, writing the word "bang" in all caps doesn't really always get the point through, but you'll see. Hopefully, this year will prove that not only do the beauties have access to beauty - so do the geeks.

With that short introduction, let me wish everyone a happy year filled with beauty, health, and everything else in between!