Sunday, April 8, 2012

And We Wait.

It is that time of year once again when I have to wait out those gruesome, insufferable days just to know whether or not my efforts (or lack of them) for the past 10-turning-11 months will be enough (or overseen) to get me through to the next round of medical school. And getting through to the next round means that my first two years (first half, really) in medical school are TRULY over, and that I now have the right to wear a new-colored nameplate: one in red. Red for blood, perhaps? Will my third year in medical school be bloodier than my second? Will my lack of preparation prior to medical school finally catch up to me during my third year, if not now? I guess the real question is "Would I ever get the chance to ask these questions while in the safety of my new-colored nameplate and the thought that, with having survived half the suffering, medical school will be less toxic to bear?" Hopefully, results are in by Friday. Without my parents, and being the designated "responsible adult" of my household until Saturday night, I am certain the many responsibilities I will be having will be more than enough to keep me preoccupied with thoughts other than my academic demise.

In anticipation of the dark days ahead, I have, somehow found a silver lining that alludes not to the academic in me, but of the aesthetician. On the 17th of April, one of my friends from college is taking me with him to a prenup photo shoot, where I am to serve as a MUA (Makeup Artist). So far, I have had 2 photo shoots (4 models all in all) that credit me as the MUA, but this gig on the 17th might actually be my first paid gig yet. I don't count on it, as I am currently focused on building a portfolio instead of getting paid. Besides, it's fun! Makeup artistry is a great way to de-stress from all that medical school, well, STRESS. I don't think I will ever be amenable to having makeup artistry as a way to fill my future financial and self-fulfillment needs, but I honestly believe it can keep me sane on my way to fulfilling said needs.

It is HOURS after I have started making this entry. I guess one of the things I should be intent on fixing over the next few weeks (before classes start) should be my ever-dwindling attention span. Anyway, as it is already bedtime, and tomorrow is that start of my weeklong "responsible adult" duties, it is, with a heavy heart (how dramatic), that I bid you, Adieu.

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